
A place where an Irish teen scribbles down her passing thoughts.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Arthritis update - cimzia


I know it's been a while, but the leaving cert has restricted me a fair bit.

I mentioned being on Humira self injections for a while, and since it didn't do much improvement wise, I came off it at started a brand new batch of self injections called Cimzia.

These are 100 times worse than Humira. Holy mother these hurt like hell.
They were also designed terribly- Humira was a pen that did the work itsself once i pressed the button. Cimzia is scarier looking than any other injection and it has a much bigger needle too. Worse still, your first 3 times you must take TWO injections. TWO!! Who the fuck do they think they are?!? The pain from them is also a lot worse and they take a lot longer to do than Humira.
Today, the house nurse came over and the pain was so unbearable I tried to take the thig out half way through! I also cried like a baby.
So now I've decided I'm never taking them again.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Let me guess.You flinch when you see that word."I have a huge fear of needles" you say.
Well in this day and age,who doesn't?

It's not from the pain, sure the doctor repeats 'its just a pinch' only about 50 million times before jabbing a thin, silver death sword into your arm.

But rather the physiology that what they are into you is in fact the actual thing that you are trying to protect yourself against!
Or maybe it is just that a complete stranger is inflicting pain on you while you just sit there, taking it,like a helpless dummy or something.

Whatever the reason,I have decided to help. It's funny how this time last year I was just as fearful as anyone else as needles, avoiding them at all costs, and less than a year later I willingly agreed to self-inject myself every fortnight. Ironical, isn't it?(and yes that is correct grammar)
Anyway, now I like to think of myself as a somewhat 'pro' at injections (even though I still loathe them with every fibre in my body - and I also still come close to fainting every time I get blood tests, but that's a different kettle of fish)

So seeing as the first of three injections for the cancer vaccine was today, I thought I'd make a 'how to not have a horrific injection experience'. (I'd say "how to have a 'good' injection experience" but let's be honest, it never is.)

step 1: DO NOT, I repeat do not surround yourself with nervous nellies who hate injections and mention them every second sentence before getting it done. Even the master herself let it get the better of her today when my best friend had me bouncing off my seat in anticipation.
Try your best not to think about it and keep yourself occupied until the needle is in the toxic bin after helping you on your way to a healthier life.

Step 2: make sure you eat a good meal beforehand and bring water for straight afterwards aswell as your fave sweeties/chocolate -you deserve them. This will prevent fainting: an unnecessary inconvenience to your day and a potential reason for you to avoid getting an injection the next time.

Step 3:
bring/wear a t-shirt or sleeveless top for easy access.

Step 4: take deep breaths and relax as much as possible during the injection. Relaxing makes a HUGE difference to the amount of pain you will feel (if any.)

Don't feel like an idiot/embarrassed if you do faint/have a bad reaction to it. It's out of your control. If you feel you are about to faint, SAY IT. 

In the doctors office I was too embarrassed to tell my sister and ended up almost blacking out just before she noticed. Drink water and put your head between your knees. A girl in my class today had a convulsion, it was shocking!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Le Retour

"Le retour" (the return to school)                          Yes, I spent one month in France so of course I picked a few phrases up here and there.

Now, don't get me wrong here, I know it is every kid's (yes KID,even if I only have 44 days left of being one) nightmare to return to school after 'Le grand vacance'(summer holidays) but what makes this year different?
The Leaving Certificate.
What's that you say?
It's one big,massive,gigantic exam (well technically 8;one for each subject) which Ireland use to squeeze everything you've learned from 14 whole education-filled years into a few sheets of paper.You have one chance,and if you mess up,that's it.
Pressure is ON.
So now you understand.
It is also,quite obviously my last year in school before *fingers crossed* going to college.I was also chosen as a Prefect (a student capable of being a role model to the younger year groups) and this job includes having to mind a younger year group during lunch time.I was assigned a first year class(the adorable,tiny little terrified girls in over-sized uniforms who barely say a word and think students and teachers will drown them if they get an answer wrong.)
And with the last year comes Debutantes. Which I have no date for. GREAT.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

My justifiable reason for not blogging for a month...

 Montpellier - Place de la Comédie

So I knew for a fact that even beginning to try and write a summary of France would put me off writing a blog post so instead every day I wrote a summary and if for some reason you would like to read it you can do so here. So enjoy, or just exit the blog post now to avoid wasting lots of your precious time!

Sun 17th
Got up at 7am and was brought to the airport by Ellie's mum.I had already checked in at home but Ellie hadn't so it took alot longer.we pretty much had to race onto the plane.we got breakfast on it which was alright,and it wasn't difficult bringing my medicine apart from bringing the cooler bag.We then had to get a bus to another airport coz silly Ellie booked it by accident and ended up paying €20 for it when it was meant to be free!after spending 45 minutes queueing at the airfrance customer service we still ha to pay which almost made us miss our flight!luckily we grabbed a roll just before boarding and ate it on the plane,otherwise we would've been starving!!the family barely greeted us at all,not even a handshake and the mum didn't say a word to us in the car.we ate dinner(which took 3 hours just sitting there) then headed straight to bed.I got little or no sleep because Ellie kept coughing all night.

Mon 18th
Walked to school,me and Ellie were assigned different buildings,I signed in and got an introduction.then I got a tour of Montpellier and met two other Irish students.we were put in classes but had to wait 4 hours in town until 2pm.we met Boris,Claudio and a guy who's name I forget.That's when I realised we have different timetables!my class was really really hard and there was a girl in 2nd year trinity studying french in mine!after that we hung around with the limerick girls and then went home.dinner took 2 hours (everyone was just sitting down in silence)and they also demanded that if ellie was still coughing tonight she'd have to go to the doctor coz she kept them up all night too!then we went to sleep.

Tue 19th
Today was much better,I got moved to a lower class which is a lot easier than the last one but I'm still learning new stuff and the students in it are more at my level(or higher.)ellie is moving into it tomoro which is great!and today's dinner was nice too but the woman gave out loads when I spilled literally one piece of pasta on the table while trying to serve it but she gave us a fish slice to serve pasta so I dunno what she expected!but altogether dinner was faster.I got the Internet working in the house too!

Wed 20th
Even though I didn't have to get up early I kept waking up every hour since 6.30 and at 9.30 i fully woke up.Ellie had still been coughing all night.Ellie was in my class today which was good!hay fever is getting worse..

Thurs 21st
Sunbathed at the families pool before lunch and class.Bought Hay fever meds. 

Fri 22nd
got up at 8.50pm,then slept until 9.30- better than the other days thanks to the closed shutters and hay fever meds.Went into town at 12.20 since class starts at 1 today.we were on the computers all class which was grand.had lunch then went home,watched home and away,went into the town and met the girls.we met a few Americas who convinced us the last tram is 2am.walking to the tram 8 frenchies were surrounding us which got kinda scary!then me and Ellie realised the tram had left so we wandered the city looking for a taxi which ended up costing €20!!for a 5 minute journey!!!I'm kicking myself now.

Sat 23rd
We went to the beach with some friends,
Had a medium rare steak for dinner,
Went to town where we drank some vodka and lemonade,and we were all really hyper.then Ellie got too drunk,ran into fountains and started falling all over the place before we even got in to a much so that I had to Try and drag her home but luckily had help from David a Spanish guy and Henry an English guy. She woke up the House Father who only saw me as I took her up to bed before returning to lock the door.And swung and banged off a few Walls/stairs.She then wanted to go toilet but we don't have one in our room so I had to make her go in the shower.she then got sick over her bed (top bunk) and I sleep on the bottom so I was praying it wouldn't drip onto mine.
We had class,then went to the Oddessym shopping centre and met up with the rest of the group.didn't stay too long and was back home by 16.50 then had a horrible sardine salad for dinner and a nice tarte citron with meringue on top.headed into town,Nobody got into Australian Cafe so we went to a pub/club thing which was alright.Anna,Henry and David left right in the middle of it to go to a party.Caused a huge bitching sesh etc.i didn't really enjoy that night much.then walked home with David,Will,Charlotte and Ellie since we missed the last tram.think David and Charlotte got it on after that. 

Sun 24th
Got up and luckily the host family were gone for the day.we cleaned up ellies shite,washed it and went into the town.
We met the others.
Ellie had said sorry for last night but she didn't say thank you.
They got lunch and I wanted a crepe after and She wouldn't even fucking wait for me!I couldve killed her!!
I helped her and waited with her all night,slept in a sick room with her and she won't even fucking wait 5 minutes for my crêpe.
Then we had a horrible salad for dinner which was made up of leftover food from the day before.since the parents weren't there, me Ellie gillsha and Simone went looking for other food and didn't touch the salad!Then gillsha put it in a bread bag and hid it in her room-so funny!

Mon 25th

Tuesday 26th
Got 5 hours sleep,sat through class and had some fruit then went swimming.the other guys just arrived as we were leaving..which was pretty annoying.went to town,got lunch,went to the park with alex then went home.

Wed 27th
Took my injection in my right leg at 6.30am which wasn't bad really ,went to sleep until 7.15,went to class, had a panini,it started raining so I hung with the group and we sat by the big pond in town.then I got a lesson about drugs from will.we went to Polygone shopping centre but were wrecked so we sat at the waffle factory and me Charlotte and will made makeshift yager bomb bottles.watched home and away and decided not to go out since Ellie had a headache.for dinner we had aubergine with meat(meatball meat) and cheese on top which was actually nice.

Thursday 28th
Woke up at 7.15, had class from 8.45 until 12,got a nice pasta for lunch and headed to the beach when it stopped raining.Had good Craic with Will and Charlotte.
Went out to O bar on the bus journey from hell (packed full of drunk people-someone got sick) and it turned out they were checking ID.I got in fine without one,Ellie used Charlottes and Will and Henry didn't get in.Kendall didn't even try get in and wanted to stay outside with the Boys anyway.Got the bus back at 2.30 and left with Will then walked 4 hours sleep.

Friday 29th
Was late for class coz we thought it started at 9.30 not 8.45 and I only got 4 and a half hours sleep anyway.had another lovely pasta and hit the beach which was fun.Anna broke up with her boyfriend yesterday and was kissing David today.Went to Panama which was alright.Saw loadsa people from my class who were leaving and they were all real nice to me.Met some nice English 20something guys who talked to me for ages.Alex annoyed me all night constantly taking pictures with E and disappearing off with her all night so I said fuck it and hung with the other girls.a guy I liked wanted to dance with me but then got attacked by Kendall and Ellie on separate occasions.walked home at 3.45 after grabbing tropical oasis and prince biscuits.

Sat 30th
Woke up at 8.50 coz the fucking host family started hovering and banging around.was so tempted to shout at them for making noise like they say to the tram to Place de l'europe and waited for an hour for the breens. A really long squashed car ride followed(suitcases and 5 people in the back)for two hours.We got to the campsite and had to walk ahead since it was only booked as 5 people not 7.They caught us though but I don't think there was much of a problem.we sunbathed in a really squashed swimming pool area which was packed,then went for dinner where we had to wait another 2 hours coz it was booked out.

Sun 31st
Went to the pool,went on the slides which was actually good.then we had dinner at home which was nice.Headed to the night market where I got aviators for €4 and Daniel went on the ball on water and got Churos with nutella.

Mon 1st August
Got up at 9 so we could do water aerobics at 10.had a cup of tea then headed back to Montpellier for class at 1.50pm.Ended up being 20 minutes late but it was all good.Loadsa new students were there.then got lunch with Alex and Anna who were moved house and they really like their new house.came home and had a horrible Sausage salad and ended up not going out because Will and Charlotte were staying in.Went to bed at 12.30.

Tuesday 2nd
Got up at 10 ish had breakfast and went for a swim in our pool and sunbathed even though it was cloudy.(still hot though) then had class from 4-7 had dinner then went to the park before heading to Panama.

Wed 3rd
Got up at 11.40 and the mum wouldnt let us have breakfast because we were 'too late' even though we were only having breakfast!Had classes then went to a free Open cinema to see Julie and Julia but we left early because it was quite hard to understand.

Thurs 4th
Went to the Lake with Limerick Girls which was the closest thing humanly possible to trekking in the desert.The Lake was breathtaking but ants were everywhere. Had a shower and went out for dinner with them. Went to Shisha bar with Jamie the Irish guy who introduced us to loads of other people such as Antonio the Italian who lives in Sweden and looks the image of Kevin Grant, another Irish guy, another German-Swiss and a few other randoms. We hung around the square for a while then went to Panama to get Will but ended up staying there for a few minutes.Our walk home at 3.30am consisted of me and Will car hopping, lying under the stars, throwing spider wires onto Tram wires and robbing/finding various random objects such as a shoe and a curtain top.When we parted ways he informed me he'd lost his shirt, shoes and woke up covered in cake and with a cracked iPhone screen.

Friday 5th
Les Estiales then went to Perpignan. In the car now. I thought my dad was bad but J is x100 worse!know-it-all,high pitched singing, French accent/speaking in general and horrific driver but doesn't know it. Yet they're oblivious to it!even the jokes aren't funny which at least D's are. Had pizza then slept.

Sat 6th
Had good Craic on the slides at the pool, lunch then more sunbathing. Went to the same restaurant and went out to get Churos after. Molly was dying for us to all go out together but we ended up just going to the camp disco thing which ended at 12:30 ish.

Sun 7th
Got up at 8.30 and the B's went to mass but me and Sarah didn't go because there wasn't space in the car. Went to the pool, Sarah did water aerobics but I didn't because it was too cold and cloudy.We then went to an Adventure park where we did Zip Wiring and it was really fun! I thought it'd be much scarier than it was but I just went for it. My hands were pretty sore before/during it as it was very strenuous constantly clipping/unclipping things and using your hand grip/upper body strength. We had bolognese which was alright then went to the train station. Missed the 8pm so we got on the 9.05 and it should only have taken 1 hour 35 minutes but it was past 11 when we arrived. The family had taken our key before we left and even though we told them we'd be back on Sunday night they disconnected the phone, they have no doorbell and they didn't wake up after we knocked very loudly(even though they claim we wake them up when coming home at night) So we didn't get to sleep until 1am, even though we were outside the house at 11.20pm!

Mon 8th
Had Early classes again which was nice. Got bolognese for lunch as usual then headed to the beach at 14:00 when the clouds cleared.
Had raw steak and salad for dinner.
Went to the Shisha Bar at 10.30ish with Will, and 3 other girls. Ellie felt sick and didnt come. The Shisha was nice but it was so awkward. Then they were like "oh so were going to this house party but only the four of us" so I had to get a tram home on my own at 12.

Tuesday 9th
Had the Madeira cake for breakfast coz that's all they had. Classes. Tried the salmon pasta which was quite nice. Went to Odysseum and got dad and H's present. Had dinner and went out with Jamie and all.

Wednesday 10th
Took my injection in my left leg at 6.30am which wasn't bad really ,went to sleep from 14.30 until 17.15 then went out with the new Crew but left before they went to Le Fizz.

Thursday 11th
Got up at 9am by accident coz my alarm didn't go off. Classes then beach. Had a horrible salad for dinner again. Went to Amelie at the open air cinema and went home soon after.

Friday 12th
Classes then watched home and away and hung at the pool with the other students in our house. Kinda awkward coz the family had their friends over. Went to Les Estivales and got food with the B's for my last night where we got drink and went out with the new crew + Molly. Had great Craic at the steps then went to Panama but Ellie was wrecked (which was annoying coz it was my last night and not hers) so we left soon after.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Oxegen 2011

If you don't already know what Oxegen is,these pictures sum it up.
So this is how I spent my weekend. The picture shows some of the stuff I brought and the list has all of the stuff I brought!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Future Prospects

So if you haven't noticed already,I sort of have an enterprising mind ie. I constantly think of ways to make money/come up with ideas/think of product inventions. I also love programmes like The Apprentice and Dragon's Den.

One of my favourite books in the universe of amazing books (and believe it or not,I have read ALOT of books) is The Business Playground by Dave Stewart and Mark Simmons. Wow. I would recommend it to anyone.It is full of quirkiness,wittiness and laugh-out-loud moments.The Website is pretty cool too! While doing work experience in Modern Green Marketing Company,the lovely manager Steve Murray advised me to go and buy it on my way home on the last day and was even so nice as to give me money to buy it!

...AAAAnyway back to my point.I like thinking up business ideas and for that reason I have a whole bunch of them in the 'Notes' section on my iPhone.(Yes I own an iPhone-see why over at my other blog.)

Now,of course I'm not going to share all of these excellent, wondrous ideas with you or you'll just go and rob them!But what I will share with you is my future hopes and dreams career-wise.

Starting with college.

Just under 2 years ago,while searching through college courses that would potentially shape the rest of my life(yes,I made life-changing decisions at age 15)I stumbled upon one that sounded like it was made specifically for me.

Before I tell you, I'd like to say

-I've always had a keen interest in computers -I spend most of my day online,I have fixed my own/my mums/my dads/grannys on various occasions,and I'm doing an ECDL (European Computer Drivers Licence)course at the moment.

-I have always thought marketing would be a great course to do and I find Advertising quite fascinating with regards to the whole 'subconsciously buying products after seeing advertisements' - this stems from my love for magic/hypnosis/mind control sort of obsession I went through.

-And of course you now know from above about my idea generation/product invention hobby.

Now,the name of the course I came across was called Marketing,Innovation and Technology, which pretty much sticks those three components together into one spectacular little course.

So after completing that, I'd like to work in or run my own Marketing Company,like the one I had the amazing opportunity to do my work shadowing in.It was all so futuristic and amazing!

What would you like to do as a career in the future or are you already in your dream job?

Please subscribe,


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The List

Last August I made a bucket list.I didn't get much of it done though.
THEN I found BribryOnTour's youtube channel.He does things to do before you die,tapes them and raises money for charity(ross nugent foundation-he started the channel to show his friend who was dying of cancer)

I also saw that logan mckay55's video about making a list of cool things to do in videos over the summer.
So I merged them together to come up with..*drum roll* The List.

It's a list of things I want to do this summer,before I go into 6th year-The year of the Leaving Cert,where I'll be studying all year.And who knows?maybe I'll even film it!
So here is the said list:

  1. Make a movie
  2. Act in a movie
  3. Go out and don't come in until 7am
  4. Camp
  5. Make a bonfire
  6. Do weed
  7. Win something
  8. Make a song
  9. Do a body shot
  10. Do a DJ gig
So I am in the process of doing 1. and 2. but it is proving quite difficult as people keep backing out last minute and I'm also keeping it from my friends/fam which is a task in itsself..
4. will be done next week and 7. I have no control over apart from entering so..yeah!
What are the 10 things you'd like to do this summer?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis

So I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at the start of this school year in September.
It has been awful,especially since I am(well,was) very Adventurous,Sporty and Independent.My life has Drastically changed.
Now I have no way of being sporty,adventurous or active because I can't apply pressure on my hands(do press-ups,chin-ups,open jars,play tennis or hockey,box or rockclimb)it's not fun.At all.

So anyway,back in September all of a sudden my feet got so painful I could barely walk and going up/down stairs was like climbing mount everest in barefeet standing on pins.Then in went into my legs,arms,back and shoulders.
I first thought it was an injury from all the constant skimboarding I did 24/7 for two weeks in summer which entails throwing a board,sprinting,jumping and landing on it,which had made my feet sore by the end of each day anyway.

My doctor said there was no way it could be arthritis because my bones are so healthy(due to the fact that I'm addicted to dairy products and drink about 2 litres of milk a day!)
But then I got blood tests(which I was DREADING soooo much since I LOATHE needles and the thought of blood being taken out of petite little me was not something I felt ok with-I need all the blood I can get!)
Anyway,rheumatoid arthritis showed up in my blood.It is different to normal arthritis since it has nothing to do with the bone,it is purely muscle.
So I went to a specialist.Another blood test confirmed the results,aswell as 2 giant syringes full of fluid taken from my knee!I was put on medication and ever since then,the pain has been only in my hands,which I suppose is great.The annoying thing is,it wasn't in my hands before that!

More than 8 months later and my hands are still in pain(if not even worse than before)and my medication has been upped numerously aswell as new medicines on top of the old ones.

I tried everything.
A fruit and veg only diet,a sacro something or other therapist,epsim salts baths,new medication,x-ray microscope injections before my Christmas exams so I could write(for 3 months I went to school and just sat there-no books and no writing) and the list goes on.

Since I haven't improved,my specialist suggested self-injection pens(HUMIRA) where you inject yourself every two weeks.
I found this ironic since the only thing that kept me going was that I only needed blood tests every 1-2 months and at least I didn't have Diabetes and had to inject myself every day!
So after bursting into tears hearing this news,I thought about it and I said to myself "which is worse-a tiny injection or the pain of this arthritis?" an so I began the HUMIRA.

The nurse came to my house a month ago.She explained what to do and I injected myself.It was PAINFUL.I mean seriously sore!The nurse had said I wouldn't even feel it,but the needle wasn't the sore felt like I was injecting acid into myself and setting it alight.NO EXAGGERATION.
So me being me,I burst into tears in front of the nurse because the pain was so unexpected.
She said it would take 2-12 weeks for it to start having an effect,so I decided that I'll give it a shot(no pun intended) and if I didn't feel the effects after 12 weeks I would stop with it.
I did my second injection by myself and it was still as sore as the first but I didn't cry and the pain went away within an hour.My third went quite the same,but my fourth(almost 2 weeks ago) was bad because I started getting really worked up and couldn't face inflicting pain knowingly on myself so I got my mum to do it.And I cried.

The lesson is,don't take anything for granted because you really never know what is going to happen.Despite this dreaded arthritis I still try to see the positive side of things,like how lucky I am to have been born into a developed country and that I have been blessed with good parents who aren't alcoholics and don't abuse me,and that I still have all of my siblings alive.
I am also a firm believer that everything happens for a reason,so this setback will benefit me.I just don't know how yet.Or maybe I do; since I have had arthritis my test scores have greatly improved and I got lots of As and Bs in the christmas exam.Maybe if I hadn't got this,I wouldn't have got my desired points in the Leaving Cert.Or maybe it was for a different reason.
All I know is, I will grow stronger with this.It will help me develop into the person I will become.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

These are a few of my favourite things

Dad :  Where's all the milk gone?
Mum :  Claauudiaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Me :  Yeeaaah???
Mum :  Did you finish the milk?
Me :  ..maybe..

1. Milk

Ever since I was young,I've had an obsession with milk.I just can't get enough of it.
One of the things I loved about Primary School was that you could sign up to be on the 'milk list' (or whatever they called it) in which at the start of the year you paid a fee so that each lunch time you would receive a little carton of milk,fresh out of the fridge!It was heaven. :)

2. Where's Wally (or waldo - as the yanks call it!)

I don't know when it came about but it was pretty recently (2 years ago I think) when I realized I have an obsession with Wally. First, I (along with some class friends) printed out LOADS of where's wally characters in school.During art class we cut them all out and secretly ran around the school sticking them in various places (including the inside of a vending machine,inside a clock,and lots of other places.)During that week,people started noticing them and it was pretty funny for everyone!
Then, I unknowingly/subconsciously started buying lots of striped clothes (it was only until I was queuing up for a dressing room in a clothes shop a while back when I suddenly noticed that all 6 items of clothing were striped.) When I was trying to find a halloween costume to wear,I came across the perfect wally socks (red and white striped obviously.) And people in school have picked up on my wally obsession and started calling me wally!It's pretty crazy :)

3.The Smell of Apple Products

This has to be the most bizarre of my favourites. Every time I buy a new Apple product I spent (at least) the first week constantly sniffing it. It really is amazing,yet none of my friends/family shared the same experience as me,and gave me some weird looks for it.So me,feeling a little worried for my mental health at this point,immediately hit the internet to see if I'm the only one with this product sniffing fetish. I stumbled across a blogger who wrote an article about it which put my mind at ease when I found out I'm not the only one.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Best Holiday Ever

Just arrived back from Puerto Banus after a week of sun,and I just don't know what to  do with myself..

Khans Indian Restaurant
I arrived in our apartment on the 3rd of June,had to get up that morning at 4.30am and I had been up that night until 2.45am packing and waxing. The days previous to that consisted of finishing LCVP assignments(which were due when school finished - 2 days earlier!)

Day 1-Sat: I sunbathed at the pool and later in the evening played Paddle Tennis much to my surprise since with my arthritis i can't even play normal tennis.That night we went to an indian restaurant with the family.ALL 7 of us!It was gorgeous even if I did come close to collapsing of sleep deprivation at the table!
Paddle Tennis
Day 2-Sun: Did the same again except went to La Moraga Tapas restaurant for dinner.The restaurant was slick.It had this Cool (excuse the pun) glass column ice machine,and every so often ice would fall from the roof!
La Moraga
Day 3-Mon: My two friends Ellie (my best friend who I've grown up with,who's a joker but very organised) and Hannah (a lovely,sporty girl who is a little scatty and indecisive- you'll soon see why)
Plaza Beach
So the three of us hit the beach.My sisters went down the port(or strip or whatever you wish to call it) and I wanted to go down but Ellie was wrecked(she'd gotten up at 4am so it was understandable) but of course Hannah,who always seems to be different(and always wants to do everything)wanted to go,but we ended up staying in and having a big poker session with my brother and dad.

Day 4-Tue: The three of us hit Aqualand waterpark by ourselves.we had to wake up at 9am,get a taxi to the bus and a taxi to the waterpark.We came close to getting lost but arrived in any case about 30 minutes after it opened.After going on 4 enjoyable slides,some huge clouds formed and it lashed for a good 2 hours.In spain.In JUNE.So much for "the rain in spain falls mainly on the plane".. anyway,we took our lunch and the rain eventually stopped but it was still cold.We did a few more slides just to get our €42.50 worth(€5 taxi,€4.20 bus,€2.50 taxi,€19 entry fee,€3.60 crisps,€4.20 bus,€1 ice-cream,€3 taxi)then walked to the bus stop where we met this french guy and i offered to let him share our taxi(much to Hannah's discontent-if you've seen 'Taken' you'll know why)and got home save and sound.
Raining waterpark
Day 5-Wed:  My oldest sister went home to study for her exams coming up.My friends and I went to Marina Banus to do some shopping but i didn't end up buying anything.

Day 6-Thur: We stayed at the pool and later cycled into Marbella where we had dinner in a Brunos italian restaurant.

2011 Nikki Beach White Party

Day 7-Fri: We went to my aunts apartment for dinner and later walked back to hit the port for the first time.We decided to go since it was a Friday night so it would be packed.I had been going to spain for about 8 years so I had very high expectations for the night.And let me tell exceeded my expectations by miles!!We didn't spend a penny!We went into a few clubs getting free drinks here and there and then met this boy who has to be one of the richest kids in marbella.On our walk back to the port we passed the infamous White party,and this kids Dad was the owner!He also owns the second largest yacht in the port,and thats saying something!He bought us drinks and we met up with his extremely hot friends.I remember turning to my friends and saying "This feels like a dream!" because it really did!The police turned up to the club and since we're only 17 we had to run around the corner.Unfortunately we lost the hot guys,but it wasn't long until we met new guys.At 3.30am i got a text from my parents which putting it nicely said get your ass back to the apartment.All in all it was an amazing night and at the time was the best so far of my life.

Day 8-Sat: We hit the beach where we met 2 english couples in their 20s.We soon found out that one of them just won £3.8 million in the lotto so she quit her job,bought an apartment in Marbella and put a deposit on a yacht!Needless to say the free sangria was flowing.We headed out again that night,bumped into the same rich kid(but he only talked to us for a second and then avoided us)but we met these hot english footballer guys who we hung out with in tibu. I kissed one of the guys but we had to leave soon after because my parents wanted us in at 2.30am that night.

Day 9-Sun: My friend Hannah went home along with my brother and dad.Ellie and I went back into Marbella and got an ice-cream that night.

Day 10-Mon:We lay by the pool and headed out for our last night.We had texted Tom(the guy I kissed) and met up with them to start the night off.We got VERY drunk and i had been sitting beside one of tom's friends so tom thought i didnt like him anymore which was annoying.Ellie and I were with two guys who we kissed but the others left without us knowing.Then I was walking with a different guy and we met up again with the group.Then after dancing with half of that group I decided they were annoying and found the guys we'd been with the previous night.then I danced with some randomers then we went home.I drunkedly texted Tom but at least he texted back twice.

Day 11-Tue: spent the morning cleaning the apartment and getting ready to leave.

Thats been my summer so far,and its gonna be hard to live up to!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Recession proof and how to be wise with your money

Countless times I've seen people get upset (my mum in particular-who's an accountant,go figure) over € money and wasting it.
Yesterday,my granny and aunt had some painters,window cleaners and plasterers in.(who btw were the most ignorant people I've ever met,giving out about doing work-in a recession!!)
I saw my granny hand over a €300 cheque to the plasterer,who had done the exact same job about 30 odd years ago.

Thats when it hit me.

He did the EXACT same job as before!So if she had watched him do it last time,she could've done it her self this time!

So now I vow that when I'm older,when I'm getting jobs done on my house I'll either look up how to do it or supervise them doing it and record it so if I ever need it done again I can watch that video and DIY.
Or better yet,if my own parents or relatives are getting a job done I could go down and watch them do it so when the time comes for me to need the same job I'll know what to do!

Why go through all that trouble you say?
Because life's about learning, so why pay someone else to do it?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Analyse Me

So I was thinking, a cool way for you guys to get to know me is probably by looking at my bedside shoe box.
I did an analysis of me by the stuff I always use =P enjoy!

Spaghetti Carbonara: Claudia Style!

So while my mum is away,I volunteered to take on the duty of chef.
I'm a serious fan of Italian food and remembered we had lots of left over rashers so on my way home from supervised study I grabbed some cream and Parmesan.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Paddy's Day Long Weekend

So I've been off school since Wednesday and only went back in today.
On Wednesday night I had friends over for pre-drinks and for the taxis to pick us up together.We went to town,planning on going to The Pod nightclub,which ended up being PACKED and 300+ people were waiting outside to get in!So my friends and I decided to hop in another taxi and head to XXI nightclub,and my best friend ran into her older brother and sister(It's a small world!)So that was pretty fun[ny].
Thursday was St. Patrick's Day.I spent the day recovering from the night before and my relations came over for a barbecue.I decided against going out that night since town would be jam packed full of drunkards and horny foreign men :P as well as a beer can-filled path which would be unwalkable in high heels.
On Friday I called into my friends house who did go out that night (and she regretted it immensely as it turned out just as I'd predicted!) Then I made a small collage for my best friend as it was her birthday.All the girls went to hers for Pizza,Junk and a movie.Some of them went to the Mumford & Sons concert after (which my sister was at,then she went for drinks with the band after)
Saturday consisted of homework,town with my friend and then mass.The day flew by like a bird on speed.
Sunday I finished my homework and took my cousins into town for the launch of the 3DS (you can read about that here - ) I also did a huge tidy up of my wardrobe and bought a Zippy(sweater) and a Rolling Stones top.
And that pretty much sums up my long weekend. :) Peace

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Film making

Just while its fresh in my head, I may as well post the script I recently wrote.I'm planning on making a movie,no budget,no experience,nothing. Should be fun! =L

I'm waiting for the co-director to get back to me,then I can audition the actors (one which will be me! ) It doesn't look good though,I think he's bailed on me since I haven't heard from him in weeks.. :S

So yeah..

Salar (slang for see you later)

Politics Rant

Politics key changes I'd make:

  • -Transparency (politicians-ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION ASKED + post budget online) most of the bankers who owe money just signed their assets to their wife!we can't let that happen!
  • -New Business ideas (ways to make money)instead of just increasing taxes.we have endless resources on our doorstep,were surrounded by sea which means great wave and wind turbine renewable energy potential.Also,we sell oil tax free, and the fishing quotas for the irish seas are ridiculous,we give 80% to other EU countries.
  • -Reform (way too many politicians.nobody agrees on every single view of someones party,so maybe some sort of voting system on every single issue-online/post)
  • -Younger Generation:
  1. Age Limit: Having to be an adult to vote yet the issues being voted on will mainly effect the younger generation who can't vote!
  2. 3rd level fees: why should the young generation have to pay for the oldies mistakes?!and saying "oh they can take out loans and pay them back"look what debt has done to this country!there is no way in hell I'm going to put myself under that pressure!have they not learned their lesson yet?!
  3. Making Irish not compulsory: This again should definitely not be up to 8O year olds whom it doesn't even affect!This should be voted by secondary primary and college students,who it actually affects!It's the enormous amounts of work that students don't like,not the language!!I agree that the Irish curriculum is completely outdated but it has changed for 5th years.Still,it's a much harder subject than others but instead of killing the language, just change the curriculum!
There.That's the rant over now.Sorry for anyone who doesn't care about this shit,i just had to say it and get it out of my system :)

Friday, March 11, 2011


This is my blog.
here,I will talk about whatever pops into my head.
I think of weird and wild things-some which I genuinely think are impressive,but when i pitch them to my family their reactions aren't very promising.
So here I am,like countless others,resorting to the Internet as a last hope that someone may actually agree with or like my opinions(or just listen to me.)

This post will be personal since it's my first,so you can get to know me.
I like the colour bright green.                                                        I subconsciously choose striped clothes when shopping.
My favorite dinner is meatballs.
I also am a tech/gadget person so i set up a separate blog for that ( )
People I find inspiring: ShayCarl,BriBry,Harry and Alfie, Orla Gartland etc. 
Earlier this year I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis,which is terribly annoying since I am so sporty but now i can't play the sports that I'm best at (hockey,tennis etc)since it is painful even just to lift things or turn a key in a door.So Ive taken up yoga now for Lent :) on the wii haha which,when i tell people about that they just dismiss it and think ''oh well that doesn't count'' but its actually better because it shows you your center of gravity etc!
Ok..enough rambling.. I better go to sleep.(i have to get up at 7.30 ON A SATURDAY to help out with the entrance exams in my school.) (i also use brackets wayyy too much,as well as commas,,,,)
K Bye