
A place where an Irish teen scribbles down her passing thoughts.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Oxegen 2011

If you don't already know what Oxegen is,these pictures sum it up.
So this is how I spent my weekend. The picture shows some of the stuff I brought and the list has all of the stuff I brought!
FRIDAY: Arrived at 2pm, payed a scouts boy to carry my bags to campsite and pitch my tent.It rained.I drank.The whole of the R8 area was out talking and my friend met her irish french holiday buddies.Maggie,Caitriona and I made a few chums and headed to House Of Pain,then Weezer with them.I had a soft spot for Fionn,and he had for me.I didn't act on it unfortunately.We lost them as well as maggie and hannah joined as we went to Calvin Harris,where I ran into two school peers.He was good but I was getting tired.Swedish Mafia House was the last and roughest act I saw before hitting the hay,but my tent buddy was still wired so Hannah went to the silent disco-which sounded like great fun!I stayed in Caitriona's tent while that was on,and all I wanted was my own bed.  

SATURDAY: I fell asleep at 2.30ish and was up by 8am because of ignorant male campers.After eating some cereal and meeting my sister,I decided I'd leave that night.The sun was blazing all morning and time ticked by sooo slowly while people waited for the concert arena to be opened.DJ Church(my sister's friend) and Gordo were our first acts we saw,then I went off with Sarah,Cathy and Olwen for 2 door cinema club because they're much more relaxed than the girls from the night before,not constantly wanting to get into mosh pits etc.2 door were just brilliant!Met up with the rest of the girls for Bruno Mars,then left alone back to the campsite to pack.My sister offered to carry my bags to the bus (arthritis) and before that I ran into Marc Owens cousin Adam who seemed so nice and appreciative to me for wearing the wristband.I threw my food out and gave away my drink(BAD idea!-Clontarf guys are pricks I shouldn't have given them anything)then headed to the bus.Had to wait around for an hour and buy a new bus ticket.UGH.At least I wasn't kicked out of oxegen and got my drink spiked the week before-like the girl I met on the bus!Dinner and sleep ensued. 

SUNDAY: Curled hair,did make up and headed back up to Oxegen with my sisters friend.Spent 4 hours trying to get up to Best Friend who was 4 people ahead of me in the pit.Pushing got out of hand and I got pulled out/crowd surfed to the front and was put in the first aid tent.BEFORE beyonce even came on.I was shaking like crazy-quite scary!Went back in the pit alone (the so-called 'Best Friend' didn't even come out to first aid with me!!cheek of her) called Cathy who wasn't in the pit so I stayed there alone coz I wanted to see Beyonce.Was on some random dude's shoulders and spotted my friend!Another wandered up too,and before  coldplay the whole gang was there!Coldplay was the perfect concert to end the weekend.BRILLIANT!!And I had a great view too! 

Advice for next time: DON'T CAMP!!