
A place where an Irish teen scribbles down her passing thoughts.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Future Prospects

So if you haven't noticed already,I sort of have an enterprising mind ie. I constantly think of ways to make money/come up with ideas/think of product inventions. I also love programmes like The Apprentice and Dragon's Den.

One of my favourite books in the universe of amazing books (and believe it or not,I have read ALOT of books) is The Business Playground by Dave Stewart and Mark Simmons. Wow. I would recommend it to anyone.It is full of quirkiness,wittiness and laugh-out-loud moments.The Website is pretty cool too! While doing work experience in Modern Green Marketing Company,the lovely manager Steve Murray advised me to go and buy it on my way home on the last day and was even so nice as to give me money to buy it!

...AAAAnyway back to my point.I like thinking up business ideas and for that reason I have a whole bunch of them in the 'Notes' section on my iPhone.(Yes I own an iPhone-see why over at my other blog.)

Now,of course I'm not going to share all of these excellent, wondrous ideas with you or you'll just go and rob them!But what I will share with you is my future hopes and dreams career-wise.

Starting with college.

Just under 2 years ago,while searching through college courses that would potentially shape the rest of my life(yes,I made life-changing decisions at age 15)I stumbled upon one that sounded like it was made specifically for me.

Before I tell you, I'd like to say

-I've always had a keen interest in computers -I spend most of my day online,I have fixed my own/my mums/my dads/grannys on various occasions,and I'm doing an ECDL (European Computer Drivers Licence)course at the moment.

-I have always thought marketing would be a great course to do and I find Advertising quite fascinating with regards to the whole 'subconsciously buying products after seeing advertisements' - this stems from my love for magic/hypnosis/mind control sort of obsession I went through.

-And of course you now know from above about my idea generation/product invention hobby.

Now,the name of the course I came across was called Marketing,Innovation and Technology, which pretty much sticks those three components together into one spectacular little course.

So after completing that, I'd like to work in or run my own Marketing Company,like the one I had the amazing opportunity to do my work shadowing in.It was all so futuristic and amazing!

What would you like to do as a career in the future or are you already in your dream job?

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