
A place where an Irish teen scribbles down her passing thoughts.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Best Holiday Ever

Just arrived back from Puerto Banus after a week of sun,and I just don't know what to  do with myself..

Khans Indian Restaurant
I arrived in our apartment on the 3rd of June,had to get up that morning at 4.30am and I had been up that night until 2.45am packing and waxing. The days previous to that consisted of finishing LCVP assignments(which were due when school finished - 2 days earlier!)

Day 1-Sat: I sunbathed at the pool and later in the evening played Paddle Tennis much to my surprise since with my arthritis i can't even play normal tennis.That night we went to an indian restaurant with the family.ALL 7 of us!It was gorgeous even if I did come close to collapsing of sleep deprivation at the table!
Paddle Tennis
Day 2-Sun: Did the same again except went to La Moraga Tapas restaurant for dinner.The restaurant was slick.It had this Cool (excuse the pun) glass column ice machine,and every so often ice would fall from the roof!
La Moraga
Day 3-Mon: My two friends Ellie (my best friend who I've grown up with,who's a joker but very organised) and Hannah (a lovely,sporty girl who is a little scatty and indecisive- you'll soon see why)
Plaza Beach
So the three of us hit the beach.My sisters went down the port(or strip or whatever you wish to call it) and I wanted to go down but Ellie was wrecked(she'd gotten up at 4am so it was understandable) but of course Hannah,who always seems to be different(and always wants to do everything)wanted to go,but we ended up staying in and having a big poker session with my brother and dad.

Day 4-Tue: The three of us hit Aqualand waterpark by ourselves.we had to wake up at 9am,get a taxi to the bus and a taxi to the waterpark.We came close to getting lost but arrived in any case about 30 minutes after it opened.After going on 4 enjoyable slides,some huge clouds formed and it lashed for a good 2 hours.In spain.In JUNE.So much for "the rain in spain falls mainly on the plane".. anyway,we took our lunch and the rain eventually stopped but it was still cold.We did a few more slides just to get our €42.50 worth(€5 taxi,€4.20 bus,€2.50 taxi,€19 entry fee,€3.60 crisps,€4.20 bus,€1 ice-cream,€3 taxi)then walked to the bus stop where we met this french guy and i offered to let him share our taxi(much to Hannah's discontent-if you've seen 'Taken' you'll know why)and got home save and sound.
Raining waterpark
Day 5-Wed:  My oldest sister went home to study for her exams coming up.My friends and I went to Marina Banus to do some shopping but i didn't end up buying anything.

Day 6-Thur: We stayed at the pool and later cycled into Marbella where we had dinner in a Brunos italian restaurant.

2011 Nikki Beach White Party

Day 7-Fri: We went to my aunts apartment for dinner and later walked back to hit the port for the first time.We decided to go since it was a Friday night so it would be packed.I had been going to spain for about 8 years so I had very high expectations for the night.And let me tell exceeded my expectations by miles!!We didn't spend a penny!We went into a few clubs getting free drinks here and there and then met this boy who has to be one of the richest kids in marbella.On our walk back to the port we passed the infamous White party,and this kids Dad was the owner!He also owns the second largest yacht in the port,and thats saying something!He bought us drinks and we met up with his extremely hot friends.I remember turning to my friends and saying "This feels like a dream!" because it really did!The police turned up to the club and since we're only 17 we had to run around the corner.Unfortunately we lost the hot guys,but it wasn't long until we met new guys.At 3.30am i got a text from my parents which putting it nicely said get your ass back to the apartment.All in all it was an amazing night and at the time was the best so far of my life.

Day 8-Sat: We hit the beach where we met 2 english couples in their 20s.We soon found out that one of them just won £3.8 million in the lotto so she quit her job,bought an apartment in Marbella and put a deposit on a yacht!Needless to say the free sangria was flowing.We headed out again that night,bumped into the same rich kid(but he only talked to us for a second and then avoided us)but we met these hot english footballer guys who we hung out with in tibu. I kissed one of the guys but we had to leave soon after because my parents wanted us in at 2.30am that night.

Day 9-Sun: My friend Hannah went home along with my brother and dad.Ellie and I went back into Marbella and got an ice-cream that night.

Day 10-Mon:We lay by the pool and headed out for our last night.We had texted Tom(the guy I kissed) and met up with them to start the night off.We got VERY drunk and i had been sitting beside one of tom's friends so tom thought i didnt like him anymore which was annoying.Ellie and I were with two guys who we kissed but the others left without us knowing.Then I was walking with a different guy and we met up again with the group.Then after dancing with half of that group I decided they were annoying and found the guys we'd been with the previous night.then I danced with some randomers then we went home.I drunkedly texted Tom but at least he texted back twice.

Day 11-Tue: spent the morning cleaning the apartment and getting ready to leave.

Thats been my summer so far,and its gonna be hard to live up to!