
A place where an Irish teen scribbles down her passing thoughts.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spaghetti Carbonara: Claudia Style!

So while my mum is away,I volunteered to take on the duty of chef.
I'm a serious fan of Italian food and remembered we had lots of left over rashers so on my way home from supervised study I grabbed some cream and Parmesan.

3/4 a triangle of Parmesan
4 rashers
4 eggs
Lots of spaghetti (around 75g a person)
A small carton of cream
A few small cloves of garlic
Salt and pepper 


I stupidly threw on the spaghetti first (I recommend cooking it at the very end!!) and added copious amounts of salt. (Jamie Oliver ALWAYS says it brings out the flavour)
Another tip, if I've learned anything from my home ec teacher,it's how to cook pasta!
Get a gigantic saucepan, fill it to the brim with boiling water, add a splash of oil so it doesn't stick,turn on the hob so the water is violently bubbling,and add your pasta.and always always always use a colander to drain the pasta - you'll be sorry you didn't when you scald yourself.

Then I chopped the rashers finely into strips.
I chucked them into a frying pan with butter(which was so unnecessary since there is so much fat in them to start with) and browned took a while since I cooked them in small batches.
In a bowl I put the eggs,grated Parmesan,pepper(and I should've put the crushed garlic in too) 
After whisking the shit out of this mixture, I started panicking,since all the recipes I was googling(to get a general idea)said that you add the UNCOOKED eggs and serve!this freaked me out and in my state of hot-and-botheredness, I smashed a plate.

I decided to throw the mixture on the hob to prevent a mini plague outbreak of food poisoning in my house.
Make sure you whisk like crazy while it's heating or it will physically turn into scrambled egg.
Then I splashed a loada boiling water on the pasta through the sieve to heat it(I'd recommend just cooking your pasta now)and then threw it into a giant bowl along with the sauce and crushed garlic.(ideally,add the garlic to the sauce at the start!)
If your fancying it up a bit,add a garnish of basil and serve it with some sort of vegetable.
(possibly asparagus so you can have a mini sword fight!)

And that's it!Tune in next time for more scrumptious recipes :)