
A place where an Irish teen scribbles down her passing thoughts.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Politics Rant

Politics key changes I'd make:

  • -Transparency (politicians-ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION ASKED + post budget online) most of the bankers who owe money just signed their assets to their wife!we can't let that happen!
  • -New Business ideas (ways to make money)instead of just increasing taxes.we have endless resources on our doorstep,were surrounded by sea which means great wave and wind turbine renewable energy potential.Also,we sell oil tax free, and the fishing quotas for the irish seas are ridiculous,we give 80% to other EU countries.
  • -Reform (way too many politicians.nobody agrees on every single view of someones party,so maybe some sort of voting system on every single issue-online/post)
  • -Younger Generation:
  1. Age Limit: Having to be an adult to vote yet the issues being voted on will mainly effect the younger generation who can't vote!
  2. 3rd level fees: why should the young generation have to pay for the oldies mistakes?!and saying "oh they can take out loans and pay them back"look what debt has done to this country!there is no way in hell I'm going to put myself under that pressure!have they not learned their lesson yet?!
  3. Making Irish not compulsory: This again should definitely not be up to 8O year olds whom it doesn't even affect!This should be voted by secondary primary and college students,who it actually affects!It's the enormous amounts of work that students don't like,not the language!!I agree that the Irish curriculum is completely outdated but it has changed for 5th years.Still,it's a much harder subject than others but instead of killing the language, just change the curriculum!
There.That's the rant over now.Sorry for anyone who doesn't care about this shit,i just had to say it and get it out of my system :)