
A place where an Irish teen scribbles down her passing thoughts.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Paddy's Day Long Weekend

So I've been off school since Wednesday and only went back in today.
On Wednesday night I had friends over for pre-drinks and for the taxis to pick us up together.We went to town,planning on going to The Pod nightclub,which ended up being PACKED and 300+ people were waiting outside to get in!So my friends and I decided to hop in another taxi and head to XXI nightclub,and my best friend ran into her older brother and sister(It's a small world!)So that was pretty fun[ny].
Thursday was St. Patrick's Day.I spent the day recovering from the night before and my relations came over for a barbecue.I decided against going out that night since town would be jam packed full of drunkards and horny foreign men :P as well as a beer can-filled path which would be unwalkable in high heels.
On Friday I called into my friends house who did go out that night (and she regretted it immensely as it turned out just as I'd predicted!) Then I made a small collage for my best friend as it was her birthday.All the girls went to hers for Pizza,Junk and a movie.Some of them went to the Mumford & Sons concert after (which my sister was at,then she went for drinks with the band after)
Saturday consisted of homework,town with my friend and then mass.The day flew by like a bird on speed.
Sunday I finished my homework and took my cousins into town for the launch of the 3DS (you can read about that here - ) I also did a huge tidy up of my wardrobe and bought a Zippy(sweater) and a Rolling Stones top.
And that pretty much sums up my long weekend. :) Peace

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Film making

Just while its fresh in my head, I may as well post the script I recently wrote.I'm planning on making a movie,no budget,no experience,nothing. Should be fun! =L

I'm waiting for the co-director to get back to me,then I can audition the actors (one which will be me! ) It doesn't look good though,I think he's bailed on me since I haven't heard from him in weeks.. :S

So yeah..

Salar (slang for see you later)

Politics Rant

Politics key changes I'd make:

  • -Transparency (politicians-ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION ASKED + post budget online) most of the bankers who owe money just signed their assets to their wife!we can't let that happen!
  • -New Business ideas (ways to make money)instead of just increasing taxes.we have endless resources on our doorstep,were surrounded by sea which means great wave and wind turbine renewable energy potential.Also,we sell oil tax free, and the fishing quotas for the irish seas are ridiculous,we give 80% to other EU countries.
  • -Reform (way too many politicians.nobody agrees on every single view of someones party,so maybe some sort of voting system on every single issue-online/post)
  • -Younger Generation:
  1. Age Limit: Having to be an adult to vote yet the issues being voted on will mainly effect the younger generation who can't vote!
  2. 3rd level fees: why should the young generation have to pay for the oldies mistakes?!and saying "oh they can take out loans and pay them back"look what debt has done to this country!there is no way in hell I'm going to put myself under that pressure!have they not learned their lesson yet?!
  3. Making Irish not compulsory: This again should definitely not be up to 8O year olds whom it doesn't even affect!This should be voted by secondary primary and college students,who it actually affects!It's the enormous amounts of work that students don't like,not the language!!I agree that the Irish curriculum is completely outdated but it has changed for 5th years.Still,it's a much harder subject than others but instead of killing the language, just change the curriculum!
There.That's the rant over now.Sorry for anyone who doesn't care about this shit,i just had to say it and get it out of my system :)

Friday, March 11, 2011


This is my blog.
here,I will talk about whatever pops into my head.
I think of weird and wild things-some which I genuinely think are impressive,but when i pitch them to my family their reactions aren't very promising.
So here I am,like countless others,resorting to the Internet as a last hope that someone may actually agree with or like my opinions(or just listen to me.)

This post will be personal since it's my first,so you can get to know me.
I like the colour bright green.                                                        I subconsciously choose striped clothes when shopping.
My favorite dinner is meatballs.
I also am a tech/gadget person so i set up a separate blog for that ( )
People I find inspiring: ShayCarl,BriBry,Harry and Alfie, Orla Gartland etc. 
Earlier this year I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis,which is terribly annoying since I am so sporty but now i can't play the sports that I'm best at (hockey,tennis etc)since it is painful even just to lift things or turn a key in a door.So Ive taken up yoga now for Lent :) on the wii haha which,when i tell people about that they just dismiss it and think ''oh well that doesn't count'' but its actually better because it shows you your center of gravity etc!
Ok..enough rambling.. I better go to sleep.(i have to get up at 7.30 ON A SATURDAY to help out with the entrance exams in my school.) (i also use brackets wayyy too much,as well as commas,,,,)
K Bye