
A place where an Irish teen scribbles down her passing thoughts.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Late christmas update

Just found this in my 'notes' on my phone. I wrote it at christmas and forgot to upload it. I had the title BP: CGC and I have no clue why :L

Feeling motivated

Not gonna lie, this week (Tuesday - Sunday) I have really studied my ass off. I'm not fully sure what motivated me; this shaycarl video, the fact that my mocks start in 2 weeks or just that I finally copped on that I need to start studying.
Whatever the reason, it worked.

I had planned to start studying the day after St. Steven's day, but, that just didn't happen. So on Monday I got my act together and made a new study plan containing all the work I was given to do by teachers, and bits and pieces I gave myself to do.

Tuesday I managed to do 6 1/2 hours of study-more than I've ever done in a day where I didn't have a Christmas/summer exam the next day. I did take lots of 30 minute breaks wherein I watched 20 minutes of a movie/programme, had some tea etc. but I was still so proud of myself for doing it.
It gave me such a sense of achievement or as some might say, 'intrinsic satisfaction', that it motivated me to work just as hard in the following days! This is what ShayCarl talks about a lot - motivation and results: when you're motivated, you work really hard to get results, and when you start seeing results, it motivated you to keep working hard! This turns into a great big cycle of awesomeness.
Until, you stop seeing results, and then it kinda backfires and undoes all the good. But that only happens if you are motivated solely by the results, which is never good. You need to work hard for yourself; no one and nothing else. The results are just an added benefit or "an extrinsic benefit". As soon as you realize that, this cycle of awesomeness becomes everlasting. This, my friends, is the key to cheating life.

So anyway, back to the point; Studying.
What I realized today, while trying to complete this unrealistic check list, is that studying isn't half bad. Once you get all your shit organized, it really isn't as depressing as I thought! Of course, the first day or two I was seriously contemplating dropping out of school and burning all school-related items, but then I actually started seeing the benefits and feeling a sense of achievement every time I ticked something else of my to-do study list.
Side note: Always, always, ALWAYS write lists of stuff you have to do, workwise. It is such a great feeling when you check something off of it. 

And have something to look forward to at each break you take. But I'd advise not to make study plans based on doing 1 hour of English. This usually doesn't work because you find yourself willing the time away and daydreaming more, rather than giving yourself a specific task to be done. This also gives you a better sense of achievement when finished it. 
Another idea is to print a checklist off of all the stuff that needs to be covered in that specific subject, just to make sure you don't leave out anything. 

And another great trick is to put your phone on Airplane Mode while studying- it turns your wifi off and doesn't allow incoming calls or messages, but you don't have to go to the hassle of turn on/off your phone the whole time. The biggest distraction ever is when you hear your phone vibrate. It instantly gets your attention and you can't help subconsciously wondering who just texted/tweeted/facebooked/emailed you for the next 5 minutes. 

 Okay so this is becoming a lot longer than I expected but it was all in my head and I needed to get it out so I could sleep soundly. So I won't waste any more time and I'll leave you with this: "the worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt" - Sylvia Plath

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cimzia Update

So I put my blog on private. Because I can't write for shit, I don't want to tie myself down to writing a blog this year. And also...blogs are kinda gay.

But since some people may actually value the arthritis side of it (or may be going through the same thing) I thought, maybe I'll write some of that.

So here we go.

Just when I thought arthritis couldn't get any worse, especially with the Humira injections, Cimzia hit me in the face like a brick.

...And I thought Humira was bad.
So the nurse whips out these giant needle and pretty much says "shove this in your tummy and you'll be fixed."
So me, being naive as I am, do as I'm told.
My jaw literally dropped at the pain of it. What they don't tell you is that it takes a good 30 seconds for this thick, stinging mouse protein(I'm not even joking- it's mouse protein) and it keeps stinging for about 3 hours afterwards.
The worst part?
You don't just give yourself one injection.
You shove another needle into your poor little stomach, the first 3 times!
So as you can probably tell, the medicine isn't ideal.
But it works wonders for most patients.
I'm not most patients, though.
So 3 months, nine(but what felt like 100) injections, and no improvement   later, I was allowed to stop taking it.