
A place where an Irish teen scribbles down her passing thoughts.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Recession proof and how to be wise with your money

Countless times I've seen people get upset (my mum in particular-who's an accountant,go figure) over € money and wasting it.
Yesterday,my granny and aunt had some painters,window cleaners and plasterers in.(who btw were the most ignorant people I've ever met,giving out about doing work-in a recession!!)
I saw my granny hand over a €300 cheque to the plasterer,who had done the exact same job about 30 odd years ago.

Thats when it hit me.

He did the EXACT same job as before!So if she had watched him do it last time,she could've done it her self this time!

So now I vow that when I'm older,when I'm getting jobs done on my house I'll either look up how to do it or supervise them doing it and record it so if I ever need it done again I can watch that video and DIY.
Or better yet,if my own parents or relatives are getting a job done I could go down and watch them do it so when the time comes for me to need the same job I'll know what to do!

Why go through all that trouble you say?
Because life's about learning, so why pay someone else to do it?